Tyler McCall is a New York City-based writer and editor.

Photo: Lydia Hudgens

Hi there!

As the url suggests, I’m Tyler McCall, a writer and editor based in New York City specializing in writing about fashion, celebrity, and pop culture. I spent over a decade working in digital media, most recently serving as editor-in-chief of Fashionista. These days, I’m a free agent, and my bylines have appeared in publications like L’Officiel, Elle, Town & Country, and The Cut.

I live in Brooklyn with my husband Sam and our cat Evie. I read more books than should be humanly possible and consider myself to be an amateur Gossip Girl historian.

If you’d like to work together, my email is LTylerMcCall@gmail.com.

The Queen’s Guard

A Quinn Original

voiced by Andrew Scott

THE QUEEN’S GUARD is an original series I wrote for the audio erotica app Quinn. Voiced by Andrew Scott, the series follows Robb the Protector, personal guard to a cruel and tyrant queen, as he fights against a growing resistance movement led by his former lover Mira.

Celebrity Profiles

Culture Writing